
Price adjustment (effective from 01.09.2021)

The world is still going crazy, and many industries are suffering from significantly more difficult conditions. In particular, the still ongoing COVID19 pandemic, but also the aftermath of the Suez Canal obstruction and other imponderables are causing major headaches for many companies.

Background and Influencing Factors

For a very long time, Unicorn, and therefore we were able to keep the prices for mushroom bags very stable at a constant level. Due to the current difficult circumstances on the raw material market, strongly increased import costs and environmental influences at the production site in Texas, Unicorn was confronted with a price adjustment.

We also had to implement part of this price increase despite other process optimization and cost-cutting measures. The new prices are effective from 01.09.2021. Should the raw materials market relax again, we will of course implement any price reductions directly and pass them on to our customers.

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